Lifestyle My 2024 Goals My 2024 goals about PhD, career, finance, emotional intelligence, reading and more...
Experiences 2023 year in a review! Journey Through 2023: PhD Milestones, Finance, Books, and Chess Adventures!
My PhD Mid-year goal evaluation (2023) Mid-year evaluation of my 2023 goals about PhD, career, finance, chess, book reading and more...
Book Review On maximizing life experiences Key takeaways from the book, Die with zero by Bill Perkins, about maximizing life experiences.
Experiences Featured 30 takeaways for my 30th birthday 30 takeaways from 15 books I read this year about learning, productivity, happiness, money, and blogging.
Lifestyle Featured How to buy happiness Notes from the paper “If money doesn’t make you happy, then you probably aren’t spending it right” by Elizabeth Dunn, Daniel Gilbert, and Timothy Wilson.
Book Review Featured Lessons I learned from Robert Kiyosaki Why rich people don't work for money and make their money work for them? Lessons from the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad.”
Book Review Book review: The 4-hour workweek I am going to review a book titled ‘The 4-hour workweek: Escape 9–5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich’ by Tim Ferriss. The title kind of seems like a scam. Yes, it is 4 and not 40 and yes, it is a week and not a day. The